
The Town of Cardston, Alberta celebrates their Fallen Heroes

From the desk of Alexis Buzzee, Cardston & District FCSS

“When we began working with the Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation nearly four years ago we were eager to have a memorial completed for each one of the 68 names on our cenotaph. It has been a long journey for those of us involved and we are very happy to now have all of the memorials complete. Researching each of those 68 names was at times slow and difficult work but none of us would exchange the experience if given the choice. It is truly amazing when you start with only a name, and through a process of hard work and lucky breaks you end up piecing together the person behind the name. The project has been greatly supported by the Community with many individuals related to our Fallen Heroes stopping by to look at the memorials that are on display in our Town Council Chambers. We used various resources when gathering our information and without the people that put together local history books, archivists across Canada and over seas, family members and friends of the Fallen Heroes, we would not have been able to complete this project. The memorials play a pivotal role in our Remembrance Day Ceremonies, no longer are the names on the cenotaph the names of people whose stories have been slowly forgotten, because of this project each of the 68 fallen heroes stories will be remembered for generations to come.”

Pictured from left to right: Cammi Bevans, Tim Court, and Alexis Buzzee