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Clemsford Cliffordvale Clinton Clover Hill Cloverdale Coal Branch Cocagne Cody Station Codys Coldbrook Coldstream Coles Island College Bridge cookville Cormier-Village Cornhill Costigan Cox Point Cross Creek Dalhousie Dalhousie Junction Darlington Daulnay Dawson Settlement Dawsonville Debec Debec Junction Deerville Devon Dieppe Dipper Harbour Doaktown Dorchester Douglas Douglasfield Douglastown Doyles Brook Drummond Dufferin Dugas Dundee Dunlop Duram Bridge Durham Bridge East Bathurst East Waterville Edgetts Landing Edmundston Eel River Bridge Eel River Crossing Eel River Reserve Elgin Elmtree Emerson Escuminac Evangeline Fairville Fawcett Hill Ferndale Fielding Five Fingers Flatlands Florenceville Florenceville-Bristol Ford Mills Forest City Forest Glen Forest Hill Foreston Four Falls Four Roads Fredericton Fredericton Junction Gagetown Gardenville Garnett Settlement Geary Gibson Girouardville Glassville Glen Falls Glen Levit Glencoe Golden Grove Grafton Grand Bay Grand Falls Grand Harbour Grand Lake Grand Manan Grande Anse Grande-Digue Gray Rapids Great Village Green Hill Green Point Green River Greenich Gunningsville Hacheyville Hammond Hampstead Hampton Hampton Village Hanwell Harcourt Hardwicke Harewood Hartfield Hartland Harvey Harvey Station Hatfield Point Haut-Madawaska Haute Aboujagane Havelock Hayesville Head Millstream Heron Bay Hibernia Hicksville Hillgrove Hillsborough Hillsdale Holmesville Holtville Hopeville Cape Hopewell Hopewell Hill Hotville Hoyt Hunters Home Jacksonville Jacquet River Jardineville Jemseg Johnville Juniper Kars Kedgwick Keswick Kilburn Kincardine Kingsclear Kingston Knightville Knowlesville Knoxford Kouchibouguac L'Etete Lac-Baker Lake George Lakeville Lameque Lawrence Lawrence Station Le Goulet Leger's Corner Lepreau Lerwick Lewisville Lily Lake Lincoln Lindsay Lissonville Little Aldouane Little Shemogue Little Tracadie Littleton Loggieville Long Reach Lords Cove Lorne Settlement Lorneville Lowell Lower Cape Lower Derby Lower Gagetown Lower Hainesville Lower Hainsville Lower Jemseg Lower Millstream Lower Neguac Lower Spain Ludlow Ludnow Lutes Mountain MacDougall Settlement Main River Maine Mainstream Maisonette Maliseet Maple Glen Maple View Mapleton Marcelville Marchbank Markhamville Maryland Marysvale Marysville Maugerville McAdam McAdam Junction McDonald Corner McDonalds Point McKee's Mills Mechanic Settlement Meductic Melrose Memramcook Middle Coverdale Midgic Milford Mill Cove Millbank Millbrook Millerton Millidgeville Millstream Milltown Millville Mineral Minto Miramichi Miscou Miscou Harbour Molus River Moncton Moore's Mills Moss Glen Mount Middleton Mount Whatley Mouth of Keswick Muniac Napan Nash Creek Nashwaaksis Neguac New Glasgow New Jersey New Maryland New Mills Newcastle Newcastle Bridge Newton Nigadoo Nordine North Devon North Forks North Head North Lake North Port North View Northampton Norton Notre Dame Oak Bay Oak Point Oromocto Painsec Painsec Junction Paquetville Parker Ridge Passekeag Peel Pelley Lake Pemberton Ridge Pennfield Ridge Penniac Penobsquis Perth Perth-Andover Peter's Mills Peters RIver Petit- Rocher- Nord Petit-Rocher Petitcodiac Picadilly Pineville Pioneer Plaster Rock Pleasant Ridge Plymouth Point De Bute Point Sapin Point-Verte Pointe-Verte Pokasudie Pokemouche Pokeshaw Pokesudie Pokiok Pont Lefrance Port Elgin Potash River Prince William Queensbury Quispamsis Randolph Red Bank Red Rapids Renforth Restigouche Rexton Richardsville Richibucto Ripples River Charlo River Glade River Louison Riverside-Albert Riverview Riviere du Portage Riviere-Verte Robertville Rockport Rogersville Rolling Dam Rothesay Rothwell Rusagonis Sackville Sackville Saint Andrews Saint Croix Saint George Saint John Saint Leonard Saint Louis Saint Mary's Parish Saint Norbert Saint Stephen Saint-Andre Saint-Andre-de-Shediac Saint-Anselme Saint-Antoine Saint-Arthur Saint-Basile Saint-Charles Saint-Hilaire Saint-Ignace Saint-Isodore Saint-Leolin Saint-Louis de Kent Saint-Marie-Saint-Rapheal Saint-Norbert Saint-Paul Saint-Philippe Saint-Pierre-de-Kent Saint-Quentin Saint-Simon Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska Salisbury Salmon Beach Salmonhurst Salt Springs Savoy Scotch Settlement Scott's Siding Scoudouc Shannon Shannonville Shediac Shemogue Shepody Road Shippegan Shirley Settlement Shives Athol Sisson Ridge Six Roads Smith's Corner Smithtown Snook's Harbour Sormany South Bay South Devon South Kouchibouguac South Nelson South River Southampton Parish Springhill St. David St. David Parish St. George St. Leonards St. Louis St. Martins St. Mary's Ferry St. Marys St. Norbert St. Pons St. Stephen St. Thomas Stanley Ste. Anne Steeves Mountain Steeves Settlement Stickney Stickney Brook Stilesville Stonehaven Sunny Brae Sunny Corner Sussex Sussex Corner Tabusintac Taxis River Tay Settlement Taymouth Temperance Vale Tennants Cove The Willows Theriault Three Brooks Tide Head Titusville Tobique Narrows Torryburn Tracadie Tracadie Beach Tracadie-Sheila Tracy Station Trout Brook Turgeon Turtle Creek Underhill Union Mill Upham Upper Bartibog Upper Blackville Upper Charlo Upper Derby Upper Hamstead Upper Kent Upper Miramichi Upper Napan Upper Sackville Upper Sheila Upper Southampton Upper Waterville Upsalquitch Utopia Victoria Corner Waasis Walker Settlement Warrington Washdemoak Waterford Waweig Weaver Welsford West Bathurst West Branch West Sackville West Saint John Westmoreland Westmorland Westmorland County Wheaton Settlement Wickham Williamsburg Wilmot Wilson's Beach Windsor Wirral Station Wisharts Point Wood Island Woodlands Woodside Woodstock Wyers Brook York Mills Youngs Cove Zealand Station SEARCH NOW Enter your search above to search for soldiers in your selected province.